Thursday, June 26, 2008


Ok, I've been tagged twice so here we go.....

5 things on my list to do:

1. Lose Weight!! That's always number 1
2. Take up walking again...try anyway.
3. Clean out the back room in the cellar.
4. Clean all the nick-nacks on top of my kitchen cabinets.
5.Clean out the attic.

(My to do list has an awful lot of cleaning......yuck!)

5 things I'd do if I suddenly became a millionaire:

1. Make my husband retire.
2. Travel
3. Buy my kids their own homes.
4. Buy some land in St. George UT and put a motor home on it.
5. Set up accounts for my grandson and future grandchildren.

5 snacks I love:

1. Popcorn
2.Any kind of fruit.
3. Peanutbutter n' crackers
4. Cheese
5.Ice Cream

5 places I've lived:

Only one....Johnston RI. That's pretty weird.

5 jobs I've had:

1. Dunkin Donuts - serving coffee.
2. Asst. to the personel director at Providence Washington Insurance Co.
3. Secretary at Kidder Peabody - stock brokers
4. Receptionist/Secretary - Scungio Chevrolet
5. Wife & Mom

5 things most people don't know about me:

1. I really don't like to cook....I love to bake!
2. I love to read magazines....books take to long.
3. I hate all carnival rides.....they make me sick!
4. I don't eat any seafood. Which is tough living in the ocean state.
5. I'm terrible at remembering names.

Here's the second tag:

3 joys:

The wonderful life I have with my loving husband.
My two great daughters and their husbands.
And last but not least my beautiful grandson Gabriel.

3 fears:

Getting into an accident when Paul and I are out riding on the bike.
Having something happen to Paul because he works to hard.
Cancer.....that's a big fear it runs in my family.

3 goals:

Here I go again......Lose Weight
ummmm....lose weight
and then maybe lose weight :-)

3 current obsessions/collections:

I love working in my yard...I guess I'm obsessed with it.
I'm obsessed with taking pictures...I drive everyone crazy.
I collect Santa's.

3 random surprising facts about myself:

I really enjoy helping people.
I always wanted 6 kids.
I love the early morning when the birds are just waking and everything is still.

Ok, hopefully this is right. I'm going to tag Amy, Crystal and Jenn, I'm sure they'll know how to do this better than I did.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Big Hello

Gabriel sends a big hello out to everyone!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Such A Cutie!

Gabriel went to his first baseball game this weekend.That's him and his dad with the mascot. After a little nap he watched the fireworks. Amanda said he loved them. I think he looks more like Amanda every day, maybe that's just me :-)They will be here August 19th should I start a count down yet?! I can't wait!

On The Hill

Last week we did the Federal Hill Stroll. Federal Hill (also known as The Hill) is a section of Providence that was primarily Italian. This was the area that most immigrants came to. My grandfather had a flower shop here for 50 years. They have some of the best restaurants and we were able to sample food from quite a few of them. The Stroll is just that. We "strolled" the neighborhood and ate along the way. Mexican, Italian (or course) Chinese, Indian, Sushi, pasteries and even ice cream. It was fun and a different thing to do. Of course we ate to much but walking from place to place helped a little. Paul even found a new bike as we were walking off some of the food. It was built by Paulie Jr. from Orange County Choppers (whoop-dee-do in my opinion!)

My Gardens

My favorite way to spend my free time is to work in my yard. I thought I would share some of my gardens with everyone. I hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Pics of Gabriel

I can't believe Gabriel is already 10 weeks old! He changes so much from one day to the next. Sure wish he was here :-(

On The Move Again

Murray Movers at your service. Here we go again. This time were moving Rayna and Clint.Well the first thing I have to say is that I NEVER want to move. I can't imagine packing up everything in this house since we've been here for 28 years! They've moved into a cute place in Johnston with a great yard so I'll probably help her plant some gardens. Goodbye to Cranston!

Here's the new place. It's one street over from where I lived as a teenager and where I met Paulie :-)

Look at that crazy hair on me!!!

My Girls

My Girls
Wow, does this make me feel old!