Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Murray's Boarding House

It's been pretty busy here for the past few months. Clint's been working on their new house and it's starting to really come along which is a good thing because Amanda, Chris and Gabriel are leaving AZ this Saturday (June 5th) and heading here to stay with us. Chris is done with the air force and they decided to move out here to pursue a new career. They are going to drive across the country, making stops along the way to visit some of Chris's family and any other interresting things they might find. They should be here around the 12th or 13th. I'm excited to have Amanda coming home and of course my little buddy :-) It's going to be a great summer with my two beautiful grandsons!

Look at that crazy hair on me!!!

My Girls

My Girls
Wow, does this make me feel old!