Monday, July 28, 2008

Post A Memory

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I or Paul or my family have shared.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't have a blog, leave a memory just for the fun of it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Day At The Beach

Paul and I decided to take a late afternoon ride to cooler temperatures. We headed south. We got the pass for the Durango so we can drive out onto the beach and then set out to find a quiet spot for a light supper picnic. We went to Charleston and sat at the breachway watching the boats (and sharing some of my supper with the seagulls) I thought I'd share some shots of Narragansett Bay with you.


A bunch of us got together for a tailgate supper at the drive-in this weekend. We went to see The Dark Knight. The movie, in my opinion, was good but very "dark". I couldn't really get by the fact that Heath Ledger is dead, and there he was bigger than life right in front of us. He did an unbelieveable job playing the Joker, it was hard to believe that it was that nice looking young man playing him. We did have a great time though, lots of good food (of course, we're all Italian!) and great friends. We hadn't been to a drive-in for at least 10 years!

My Garden Update

It's been so hot here lately (in the 90's with 100% humidity) that all I've been able to do is water my gardens. I guess they love the heat because they're growing like crazy! My favorite find this year is the purple moon plant. When it blooms it looks like an explosion.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Graduation Day

Congrats Mikey!

This is my nephew Michael, he graduated from high school in May and my sister had his party last weekend. He had a special guest there, Lola. She belongs to our friend Enrique. He raises canaries and parakeets and takes them, along with Lola, to schools to teach kids about different birds. Everyone loved Lola she was the hit of his party.

My Big Boy

Here's a new pic of Gabriel. I can't believe how big he's getting! I can't wait to get my hands on him :-)

Back To The Cape

We've been to the Cape again with our friends Karen and Enrique. It seems like there is always a new place to shop. We found this beautiful Lavendar Farm in Harwich. The little shed was a shop full of beautiful lavender items....soap, lotions etc. even a lavender/hybiscius "lemonade" mix. I couldn't leave without buying a lavender plant to add to my garden. More great times with great friends :-)

Karen and I took some time out of our busy shopping to do some bird watching. Check out the cool binoculars!! There's a great fleamarket that we have to checkout everytime we're here. Paul does a great job holding our potential purchases :-) We found another new place in our travels, it's a pottery shop in the middle of the woods. There were beautiful clay castles all over the property.

There's nothing like a Cape Cod sunset!

Another beautiful day at the beach!

We took the bike with us so after our friends left we hit the road. We took the back roads through all the little towns that make up Cape Cod.The tower is in Dennis on the highest point on the Cape, 160 feet!!! wow, and overlooks Scargo Lake which is in the shape of a fish. The boardwalk is in Sandwich. It's over 1000 feet and crosses the marshes that lead out to Cape Cod Bay. At high tide kids dive off into the creek. From there we went to Woods Hole. This is where the Oceanographic Institution is. There is so much going on in this little town. We went in the Marine Biological Lab where they have just about all the sea life that can be found in this area in huge tanks. We also saw a replica of ALVIN, the sub that they sent down when they discovered the Titanic. It was all pretty cool.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Team Work

It's a good thing there are so many handy people in this family. I decided I wanted to move the outdoor shower at the house on the Cape. It was right by the back door. Paul and Clint did a great job!

Look at that crazy hair on me!!!

My Girls

My Girls
Wow, does this make me feel old!