Monday, December 27, 2010

I Did It

I finally updated this blog! We've been so busy (and something was up with it that I couldn't upload any pictures) I just couldn't get down here to work on it and I filled 2 pages!!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a very Happy New Year.

The Big Blizzard

So, we got about a foot of snow. That was cleaned up pretty fast but the wind has been unreal. We're heading for Narragansett tomorrow and staying until the new year :-)

Merry Christmas!

Santa was very good to everyone, as usual. It was so much fun watching Gabriel and Isaac with all their new toys (the big guys had fun too)

Phone Wars

I just had to put this little series of pictures out there. Gabriel really is such a good little boy, he almost always gives in to his little buddy Isaac, reluctantly, but he gives in.

Two happy boys....both with a phone.

Neighborhood Christmas Party

We had an "ugly shirt" Christmas were there some ugly shirts! I paid a whole $2.00 for mine at the Salvation Army :-) We also had a yankee swap gift exchange that was alot of fun.

Hello Santa

 We weren't sure how Isaac was going to react to Santa. At first he was ok....Gabriel was very happy

Then he realized we were a little to far away from him... 
Oh well....poor Santa I wonder how many kids did that to him that day.   

Isaac Is One!

Happy Birthday Peanut......We love you!

Just A Nice Picture

A New Jacket

Gabriel loved his giraff costume so much for the next week he had to wear it as a jacket.


Clints father and brother were visiting for a couple of weeks (helping him re-shingle the roof) so everyone came down to the beach for supper....halloween cupcakes....and trick or treating.

The Berkshires

We went to the Berkshires for one last "bike" vacation before winter sets in.  It's so pretty up there and it's much closer than New Hampshire. Joe and Michael rented an RV and spent a few days up there with us....we sure do have fun with them :-)

Look at that crazy hair on me!!!

My Girls

My Girls
Wow, does this make me feel old!