Thursday, May 13, 2010

So Entertaining

I just can't help myself. I think I take about a thousand pictures of Isaac every day, he just cracks me up.

30 YEARS!!!

Paul and I are married 30 years! We went up to the Berkshires for the weekend. The weather could have been warmer - one morning it was 34!!! - but the sunsets were beautiful and we had a great time. Happy anniversary Paulie, it sure has been a fun 30 years :-)

While we were in the Berkshires we found this beautiful farm. It had a petting barn - as you can see Paul and I enjoyed the animals - and some great vegetables and plants.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sumo Wrestler

Isaac has a small flat spot on the back of his head so Rayna and Clint decided to have it fixed. He has to wear this helmet for a couple of months and it's already working. He so good about it, he doesn't fuss at all...what a little trooper. It's suppose to be navy blue but as you can tell it turned out purple. We're going to decorate it with some stickers.

Lumpy fruit

Isaac just doesn't like applesauce, but he has no trouble eating everything else!

Weekend On The Cape

Paul and I went to the Cape last weekend and the weather was beautiful!! We rode the bike all weekend and made a new friend too :-) For those of you who have been to the Cape with us the beach pictures are of Skaket beach. I couldn't believe what all the winter storms did to it. Paul and I are sitting on a wind made wall where it use to be completely flat and there should be a whole lot more sand under that boardwalk.

Look at that crazy hair on me!!!

My Girls

My Girls
Wow, does this make me feel old!